We used to see yard signs pop up at election time like mushrooms on a dewy lawn but now we see them all the time anytime of year. Has your mind ever been changed by a yard sign? I’m guessing no. Sure you slow down because the sign says children are playing. You may even attend a neighborhood picnic or some other civic event. Fortunately, there are yard sign creators that make you chuckle. Here are some I swear on my Google password are true.
“Grandpa finally died yard sale.” The undisputed granddaddy of yard signs.
“No soliciting. We are too broke to buy anything. We know who we’re voting for. We have found Jesus. Seriously, unless you’re selling thin mints please go away.” Who can resist a Girl Scout cookie?
“Free weeds: pull your own.” Take that you invasive species.
Or my favorite: “No signs on yards.”
Here’s my favorite campaign sign: “Democrats and Republicans will come and go. Wu-tang is forever.” Unfortunately for Wu-tang, he lost the elective but let’s hope he kept the sign. The sign said forever. I’m Grumpy Old Dan Smith and you’re listening to WLHA, the big 64.