Yelling is our built-in public address system and it’s usually reserved for sounding an alarm: Like yelling at someone to get out of the way before a Prius silently mauls them. Yelling for safety is a good thing. But yelling just to be heard? Have you ever taken the advice of someone who yelled it at you? No. Did the guy who just cut you off in traffic change his ways because you yelled at him. No. He didn’t even hear it. So why would people in what would seem like a civilized group called the United States Congress yell in the middle of someone else’s speech? Do the yellers really think things will grind to a halt until they get their way? Of course not. They just want to be the lead on the news. Yelling gets that done. Maybe Sarah Huckabee is on to something when she says “The dividing line in America is no longer right to left. The choice is between normal and crazy.” And you’re crazy enough to be listen to Grumpy Old Dan Smith on WLHA the Big 64.